Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Its amazing how much time, effort, and money go into creating something we take for granted. It seems as if typography isn't just a profession for most of these people, but rather a lifestyle. There are a lot of intimate details that go into making types and this movie draws your attention to all the excruciating work that goes into perfecting the small details. It also makes you aware of the effect type has on you subconsciously much like music when added to images or film. Certain fonts have different effects to draw you in or move your eyes in a selected pattern. I feel as if typographers are fighting an uphill battle to stay relevant in a growing paperless world, much like film is trying to stay relevant in a digital world (buy film not megapixels). Before this I thought honestly, how many types of fonts do we need? After watching and seeing the time and effort put into all of them, I will most definitely think more when scrolling through that growing list. 

Convict Packaging

Genius. Just goes to show you any person with acceptable graphic design skills and a little motivation can create a highly sought after product. I find it funny that this qualifies as "criminal" but other more famous companies participate in false advertising and ridiculous mark ups all the time. It seems as if today brand names are sold rather than products and quality is the least of a consumer's concern. That 7UP example is ideal, showing the placebo effect consumers had after their logo changed slightly.